Gambling in Sweden has their past with the law and a rough present by having a lot of troubles and a high number of citizens that are addicted to spending their time in the casino or betting to their favorite team. This has been a remarkable problem for the Sweden government since they have years trying to stop the gambling thread.
Sweden’s Most Beloved Hobby
By being a legal activity, gambling and betting is a well-known hobby in Sweden, but to stop any risk of receiving an addiction from these activities, the government has started to take actions and regulate the world of gambling as we know, and it has been proved to be successful.
But with the arrival of new ways to gamble and different options that are outside the control of the government, such as online gambling, online poker and mobile applications that serve as a way to gamble. It has been established that there’s a new regulation that is striking directly to gambling.
The Overly-Changing Gambling Culture
Not only gambling as we know, but the gambling culture that has years developing in Sweden, thanks to the advantages of technology and the different platforms where we can now start gambling and betting, this can be considered quite illegal since it doesn’t follow the regulations and rules that the Swedish government dictates to these practices.
Is Gambling A Threat?
But not only this is considered a threat to the gambling culture, but these regulations can affect the gaming world as well, that’s right if you are a gamer that spent your time playing on your phone or on your PC online games. The following regulation can affect you as well.
What this new regulation comes to offer is to form a new gambling act and as well as licensing gaming companies. And it’s worth mentioning that this campaign and regulation is coming alive the first day of the year 2019.
Technology Makes Gambling Easier
Now let’s take aside and see for ourselves the threat that this regulation has to do with gambling culture. First, let’s remember that most Swedish prefer to bet and gamble through their Smartphone or PC rather than going outside since this is the most comfortable way to place a bet or just to enjoy an online casino in the comfort of your house.
Gamblers Are Affected
And since these regulations are behind these applications and game that are dedicated most to gambling. They directly affect most of the gamblers, and while it has a major point in what the legality of these apps are, is important to remember that is one of the primary ways to gamble nowadays.
Not to mention that these regulations can also affect games as well since licensing gaming companies can result in controversy and a backlash to this regulation.
Is important to understand the point of view of the government and what they are trying to achieve with these regulations to gambling apps and online betting, but this affects directly to the thousands of citizens that are using these apps for their own benefit and entertainment, but only the next year will tell us if this regulation had a good result.