Bimbo Boy is a blog that is exclusively for Sweden in general since we focus on giving the news and events of Sweden, as well with the latest details and scandals that are related to Sweden. Bimbo Boy specializes in writing about the current state of Sweden and as well to discuss the history and famous people that have left their mark in this country.
Being funded back in the year 2005, Bimbo Boy has as his primary objective to portrait the current Sweden to the world and share the wonders and facts about this country, with interesting topics and the appreciation of the culture of Sweden, we have established a great link and a sight of what Sweden really is, and we keep informing about it with every article that we write.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Byron Glenn and I’m the founder of Bimbo Boy. One of my goals when I first created Bimbo Boy was to make a place online that could serve as an informative window, so anyone that enters to this blog could catch a look at what Sweden really is and the important events and stories that are developing each day.
For that, I started writing about the Swedish artist that are making a sensation worldwide, or the events that are affecting Sweden and could spread to the world, with subjects that could be acknowledge for any reader and how they can be invested in this news and learn a little more about what is going on in this part of the world.
For that, me and my team of writers are keeping ourselves up following the trends and the news that are shaking Sweden right now, and we report it in Bimbo Boy with the best quality and professionalism that you could find in a blog of this matter.